Ginkgo Biloba, or Temple Tree

Ginkgo Biloba, or Temple Tree.

Ginkgoaceae - Ginkgoaceae. Parts used: leaves. Pharmacy name: leaves of ginkgo biloba - Ginkgo bilobae folium (formerly: Folia Ginkgo bilobae).

Botanical description. Around 150 million years ago, Ginkgo biloba was probably widespread in Europe. This beautiful tree reaches a height of 30 m and forms a powerful crown. The leathery leaves have long petioles and are dissected into two lobes. Although from a botanical point of view this plant is closely related to our conifers, its leaves fall every autumn. The yellow seeds have a woody pit.

Ginkgo biloba is the only representative of the Ginkgo family that has survived to this day. This plant is dioecious, since the inconspicuous male and female strobili are located on different trees. In Germany, ginkgo is rare, sometimes in parks or gardens, and even less often in alleys. Most likely, it, like its other relatives, would have died out long ago if it had not been planted, cared for and revered in East Asia as a temple tree. Its leaves contain such active substances that we urgently need at the present time. However, tea is not prepared from its leaves, but only excellent medicinal preparations.

Active ingredients: flavongdicbsides, procyanidins and a number of other substances.

Healing action and application. The active ingredients of ginkgo leaves are used in the form of alcohol extracts, which are used as a vasodilator to improve blood circulation, especially in the deep arteries. The leading place is occupied by blood flow disturbances with spastic pain. Extract from ginkgo leaves also has a beneficial effect on blood vessels in patients with diabetes. In older people, cerebral circulation improves, which manifests itself in improved memory. Ginkgo stops the progression of atherosclerotic changes in the vascular system, eliminates sleep disturbances in older people, who experience increased nervousness from conventional sleeping pills and sedatives.

Side effects. There is no reason to fear side effects, including lowering blood pressure.