Gynodian Depot

Gynodian Depot: anti-menopausal drug for women

Gynodian Depot is one of the drugs designed to combat menopausal disorders and symptoms of estrogen deficiency in women. The drug is manufactured by Schering AG in Germany and is an oil injection solution containing a combination of estrogen (estradiol) and progesterone (prasterone).

Gynodian Depot is widely used to treat women experiencing menopause, including those who have had oophorectomy for non-malignant diseases or radiation castration. The drug helps to cope with depression, hot flashes, increased sweating, sleep disturbances, bladder hypersthesia, involution of the skin and mucous membrane of the genitourinary organs. In addition, Gynodian Depot can be used to prevent osteoporosis during menopause.

Despite the effectiveness of the drug, it has a number of contraindications. Gynodian Depot is not recommended for use by pregnant women, as well as those who have liver tumors, thromboembolic processes (including a history), established or suspected hormonal-dependent tumors of the uterus, ovaries or mammary glands, endometriosis, congenital disorders of fat metabolism or progressive otosclerosis during a previous pregnancy.

When using Gynodian Depot, side effects may occur, such as increased libido, a feeling of tension in the mammary glands, changes in body weight, uterine bleeding or virilization phenomena. It should also be taken into account that while using the drug, the need for insulin or oral antidiabetic agents may decrease.

Before using Gynodian Depot, you should consult your doctor and become familiar with all contraindications and side effects. It is important to follow your doctor's recommendations and not exceed the dosage of the drug.