
What is gynosphism?

Gynosphymia is a phenomenon where men have a female waist shape. Unlike women, who have a narrow waist, men's gynosphy "implies" wider and rounder shapes. This feature is not a pathology and can be characteristic of both sexes, but is more typical for boys and young men with narrow hips. But if a similar phenomenon is observed not only in adolescents, but also in adult men, then it is worth thinking about possible diseases, such as Klinefelter syndrome.

Gynosphyia in women As noted by experts, in such a situation the pituitary gland becomes overfilled with fluid and takes on a tumor-like form. A notch forms on the posterior wall of the pituitary gland. In its shape, it can resemble a “lying Latin letter “S”, hence the name of the pathology.

Due to the fact that the outflow of intrasecretory fluid is disrupted, disturbances in other body systems occur. Mental disorders appear:

1. Cardiac pathology. As a result, heart rhythm disturbances occur, fibrillation forms, and heart failure develops, affecting peripheral areas. Such conditions can cause sudden death of the patient;

2. Kidney and liver diseases. An increased concentration of estrogen provokes the development of steroid diabetes; 3. Hormonal imbalance. This becomes a provoking factor in the development of gallstone disease. The condition is often accompanied by pain, tinnitus, and digestive dysfunction. Treatment involves removing stones from the gallbladder.