Hyperemia Vasomotor

Hyperemia Vasomotor

Hyperactivity (uncontrolled muscle contraction) of blood vessels and increased blood flow to these vessels lead to dilation of blood vessels, namely, hyperemia (red skin tone in the area of ​​dilation), or hyperemia (red, painful swelling of the skin, mucous membrane, subcutaneous tissue).

Redness of the skin itself is already an abnormal condition; when changes in its color occur, “goosebumps” may appear. A sign of hyperemia is the uneven coloring of the skin: on one hand and even on different parts of one hand, the hyperemia is more intense than on the other. Hyperemia is usually called vasomotor due to the fact that its development can provoke various sensations in a person - mainly severe discomfort, and with increased redness, severe pain. Symptoms of hyperhemia - hyperemic skin - a visible change in the color of the tissue due to the formation of an additional layer of blood capillaries; - areas of hyperemia of varying intensity on the face, hands