Hypohydration Intracellular

Hypohydration is the loss of water by the body due to lack of supply or rapid disposal. This is a consequence of insufficient fluid intake from food and drinks compared to the body’s needs for various reasons, including excessive sweating or certain kidney diseases.

Hypohydration is often also called intracellular. Although it is more correct to talk about intracellular dehydration as a reversible process of changing the water concentration in the cell. Its difference from intravascular dehydration associated with a decrease in blood volume due to plasma loss.

Some processes, accompanied by changes in cell volumes, cells and intercellular space, can simultaneously lead to loss of water by the cell - the so-called intracellular dehydration, accompanying a change in cell size. For example, this is characteristic of tumor cells during their growth. Unfortunately, the volume of my text field is limited, but I can describe in more detail what the relationship is between pathophysiology and the prevention and treatment of the disease when body hydration occurs. And if you need numbers and statistics, then please, I will provide relevant data later.