Hypoxia Tissue

Tissue hypoxia is a fairly common disease of the respiratory tract. This disease can affect both adults and young children. According to statistics from the World Health Organization, tissue hypoxia affects about 300 million people every year. Many of the sick take on insufficient oxygen or even suffer from a lack of it. Common causes are poor diet, lifestyle, and unfavorable external factors. How does this process work?

Tissue hypoxia or H. texturallis is a form of flatfoot in which the toe is deformed. This pathology often develops after injuries and operations, as a result of which the bone is unable to withstand increased load.

The anatomy of the feet, like all other parts of the human body, is individual and depends on various factors. The foot has a complex structure of bones, muscles, ligaments, skin and its functional layers. It is the legs that take on the main load of the weight, due to which the oxygen pressure inside the resulting space decreases. This fact is called tissue hypoxia. Systematic loads and impaired blood flow lead to shape deformation