
Hyposmia is a condition in which a pathological weakening of the sense of smell occurs. The sense of smell plays an important role in our lives, helping us to distinguish smells and navigate our environment. A weakened sense of smell can impair this function and limit a person's ability to appreciate odors.

Hyposmia can manifest itself in various forms - from mild loss of smell to complete anosmia, when the sense of smell is completely absent. The causes of hyposmia can be various, from disorders of the nasal cavity to diseases of the nervous system. Some of the most common causes of hyposmia include:

  1. Diseases of the nasal cavity such as runny nose, sinusitis, polyposis rhinitis and allergic rhinitis.
  2. Head injuries that can damage the nerves that control the sense of smell.
  3. Nervous system diseases such as Parkinson's disease, Alzheimer's disease and Cushing's syndrome.
  4. Side effects of medications such as antidepressants, antihistamines, and anticancer drugs.

Hyposmia may also be associated with age, with its incidence increasing with age. Although hyposmia can limit a person's ability to appreciate odors, it is usually not a serious condition and can be managed.

Diagnosing hyposmia may require various tests, including a medical history and physical examination, as well as smell tests. Treatment for hyposmia depends on its cause. In some cases, treatment may include medications and in others, surgery.

In conclusion, we can say that hyposmia is a pathological weakening of the sense of smell, which can be caused by various reasons. Although hyposmia can limit the ability to appreciate odors, it is usually not a serious condition and can be managed. If you have signs of hyposmia, see your doctor for advice and diagnosis.

Hyposmia is a decrease in olfactory sensitivity. This can be congenital, as well as acquired (more often) as a result of an effect on the olfactory nerve. It may be reversible or permanent. Most often, hyposmia is bilateral. Pathology occurs normally and in pathologies of internal organs.

A weakening of the sense of smell can occur due to the following reasons. 1. A sharp change in the chemical composition of the air. In this case, hyposmia is common, since people with reduced olfactory sensitivity usually do not pay attention to the change in aroma. The same changes in the air are caused by: - ​​drinking alcohol (the usual aroma of alcohol can affect a person’s sensitivity