Hypospadias, Lower Urethral Cleft (Hypospadias)

Hypospadias, or inferior cleft of the urethra (hypospadias), is a congenital developmental defect that occurs during the development of the male genitourinary system in the womb. In this case, the external opening of the urethra (urethra) is located on the lower surface of the penis, which differs from the norm, where the urethra should be located at the tip of the penis.

Hypospadias can manifest itself in different forms, depending on the level at which the urethral opening is located. Types of hypospadias include glandular hypospadias, coronal hypospadias, and penile hypospadias.

In most cases, hypospadias is not a dangerous condition and can be treated surgically. However, if the defect is not treated, it can lead to various problems such as difficulty urinating and impaired sexual function.

The MAGPI procedure (Modified Mathieu Procedure with Glanuloplasty and Island Flap) is one of the most common methods of treating hypospadias. During this operation, the urethra is transferred to the tip of the penis, after which a special technique is used to create a new opening located in the correct place.

MAGPI surgery is usually performed on boys between 6 months and 2 years of age, although in some cases it can be performed on adult males. Surgical treatment of hypospadias is highly effective, and most patients fully restore their sexual function after surgery.

In conclusion, hypospadias is a birth defect that can lead to various problems if left untreated. However, thanks to modern surgical techniques, hypospadias can be successfully treated, allowing patients to fully restore their sexual function and quality of life.

Hypospadias is a congenital defect associated with genetic disorders in the development of a child. There are capitate and stem types of the disease (most often), as well as their combined variants. Usually the defect is surgically corrected in early childhood, but in some cases, urinary canal defects remain for life and may require repeated surgical intervention. Sometimes prosthetics with an artificial penis will also be required in the future.

Hypospadias is a birth defect. There are different types of these pathologies, but basically, these are various congenital malformations of the genital organs. Hypospadias is one such type of birth defects associated with abnormal development of the urethra.

Where does the problem come from?

Although in some cases the hereditary nature of the disease is noted, most often its appearance is a consequence of the influence of environmental factors. Doctors note that the disease most often occurs due to impaired kidney development. May occur due to disruption of the formation of the genitourinary system. Against this background, the source of infection is the mother's womb. Factors such as severe stress, the influence of chemical toxins, damage to the uterus, and other factors are also important.

Hypospadism will be unilateral