Hypospadias Female

Hypospadias is a congenital malposition of the external opening of the urethra. In 60% of cases, the anomaly is combined with undescended bladder - urethral fistula. The pathology occurs in both sexes, but isolated hypospadias is more often diagnosed in girls.

What is the danger of the pathology? The exact cause of the development of the pathology has not been established. But doctors suggest that the pathology develops as a result of a violation of the intrauterine formation of the genitourinary system. The following factors can provoke hypospadias:

- chronic diseases of the mother during pregnancy; - poor maternal care, lack of vitamins and minerals; - bad habits, harmful working conditions; - patient's history of severe abdominal trauma.

Pediatric urologists, gynecologists and surgeons are involved in the diagnosis and treatment of pathology. For diagnosis, the doctor may prescribe:

• Ultrasound of the pelvic organs; • cystoscopy; • ureteroscopy. Hypospadias is divided into several types: - physiological - the external opening of the urethra is located on the lower wall of the vagina; - epispadias – slightly shifted upward, with the hole located on the vaginal wall; - hypospadias - urethral atresia without features; - extra