Hypostasis is the accumulation of fluid or blood in any part of the body under the influence of gravity, associated with impaired circulation. Hypostatic pulmonary congestion is often observed in weakened patients who are bedridden. Hypostasis predisposes to the development of pneumonia (hypostatic pneumonia), but its development can be prevented with careful care and physical therapy. A similar condition occurs in various parts of the body after death.
Hypostatic is an adjective denoting an attitude toward hypostasis.
Hypostasia is a medical term for the accumulation of various fluids in the human body. This condition quite often occurs in people who are in a horizontal position, as well as in patients with severe circulatory disorders.
Hypotosis occurs predominantly in those parts of the body where there are pathological changes in the functionality of the circulatory system.
Hypostasia (synonyms: hypostatic plethora, hypostatic stasis, medical accumulation of blood or fluid, accumulation of blood or cerebrospinal fluid in organs; in anatomy - the same as metastasis) is a type of stasis in which volumetric bleeding in soft tissues is temporarily reduced due to accumulations hemorrhages that contribute to the occurrence of a hypostatic state. It is characterized by the accumulation of blood not only in peripheral vessels, but also in the venous and lymphatic collectors of tissues. It can develop in patients of different ages. Hypostasis in the lungs is associated with poor nutrition, lack of oxygen, and circulatory failure. It can lead to the development of pneumonia. With brain hypostasis, blood circulation is impaired. This condition can occur as a result of some damage or disease in the body. The main causes of hypostasia are insufficient blood circulation, heavy physical activity, and various lung diseases.