Hypotension Artificial

Artificial hypotension (H. artificialis) is a condition in which blood pressure (BP) is artificially reduced to a certain level using medications or other methods. This method is used to treat various diseases such as hypertension, heart failure, kidney failure and others.

Artificial hypotension can be controlled or manageable depending on how it is carried out. Controlled artificial hypotension is carried out under the supervision of a physician and requires constant monitoring of blood pressure. Managed artificial hypotension, in turn, is carried out without constant monitoring and can be carried out at home.

When carrying out artificial hypotension, various medications can be used, such as diuretics, vasodilators, beta blockers and others. A combination of several drugs can also be used to achieve a more effective reduction in blood pressure.

The benefits of induced hypotension include a reduced risk of complications associated with elevated blood pressure, such as stroke, myocardial infarction, and renal failure. In addition, artificial hypotension can be used to diagnose certain diseases associated with high blood pressure, such as pheochromocytoma.

However, artificial hypotension also has its risks and side effects. Some drugs used for induced hypotension can cause heart rhythm disturbances, lower than normal blood pressure, and other complications. Therefore, artificial hypotension should be carried out only under the supervision of a physician and taking into account the individual characteristics of the patient.

In conclusion, artificial hypotension is an effective treatment for various diseases associated with high blood pressure. However, it should be carried out under the supervision of a physician, taking into account the individual characteristics of each patient.

Artificial hypotension

**Hypotension** is a condition of the body when its circulatory system is not able to provide sufficient filling of the circulating blood with pressure and volume. The insidiousness of hypotension is that it can develop slowly and over a fairly long period of time, so diagnosing hypotension is difficult.

The purpose of the artificial hypotension method is to simulate arterial hypotension of varying severity to study the functional state of the cardiovascular system, blood circulation, external respiration, and acid-base state. Artificial hypotension - what is it? It is understood as artificially lowering blood pressure without harming the patient’s health. Taking into account the cause, several types of artificial hypotension can be distinguished: *