Hippocrates Black Disease

Hippocrates is an ancient Greek philosopher, physician and scientist, considered one of the founders of medical science in the world. He wrote many treatises on human health and disease, as well as on how to properly treat various diseases.

One of the most famous and controversial treatises of Hippocrates is his work “On the Ailment of Black”. In this work, he describes a strange disease that appears in people in the form of black spots all over the body. The disease does not have a specific cause, but it is characterized by severe pain and deterioration in general health. Hippocrates called this disease “Black Disease”, which translated into Russian means “Black Disease”. He argues that this disease has existed since ancient civilizations and is characterized by symptoms similar to those of modern diseases. Black disease continues to be one of the most mysterious and interesting diseases considered by Hippocrates. Its characteristics and causes are still the subject of research for doctors and scientists. In addition to describing the black disease, Hippocrates is also credited with developing a special strategy for behavior in difficult living conditions and practicing a healthy lifestyle. For Hippocratic, the psyche and emotional state of the patient were important. In addition, he recognized the power of the mind. Therefore, he proceeded from the fact that true medicine must correspond to “balance”, be moderate and reasonable.