Hirsutism Pituitary

Hirsutism is excess hair growth that is commonly seen in women in the underarms, back, legs and face. One of the causes of hirsutism may be hyperfunction of the pituitary glands, which causes premature and excessive hair development. This type of hirsutism is known as hyperphyseal ginsutism.

Ginsutism usually appears in adolescence, but can also occur in adulthood. This condition can not only affect appearance, but can also lead to social and emotional problems such as low self-esteem and self-consciousness. Gynecomastia occurs in a condition called ginsurtism and is characterized by excessive development of the mammary glands in men. Gynecomastia is commonly called false mastitis. The hormonal origin of ginsurism is determined. In ginsurism, testosterone and its metabolites