Glaucoma Almost Absolute

Glaucoma: why it's not such a small problem. Eyes are one of the most important organs of our body. They provide us with the opportunity to see the world around us, communicate with other people and enjoy various activities. However, not everyone knows that the eyes are a fragile organ that can be subject to various diseases and problems. One such problem is glaucoma.

Glaucoma is a disease characterized by increased pressure inside the eye. As a result, the eye tissue begins to deteriorate and can eventually lead to complete loss of vision. This disease can occur in anyone, regardless of age and gender. However, this disease is relatively rare compared to other eye diseases.

The main symptom of glaucoma is blurred vision, especially at night. Also, the patient may feel discomfort in the eyes, such as headaches, pain in the eyeball and other similar symptoms. One of the most dangerous manifestations of glaucoma is changes in vision, which can lead to loss of vision.