Eye Test

In this article, we will take a closer look at one of the types of oculomotor tests, called conjunctival tests. It is interesting and common in psychiatry, used for diagnosis in many mental and nervous diseases, and also helps in determining some stages of a nervous breakdown.

The conjunctival test is the simplest method for assessing the normal state of the oculomotor system. In addition to determining the severity of the condition of the eyeball and its muscles, it serves as an indicator of the human nervous system.

The test is carried out in two stages. At the first stage, the state of the reflexes of the eye muscles is assessed. To do this, the doctor asks the patient to move his eyes up and down, left and right, throw his head back, look up and turn sharply left and right for several minutes. After several movements, they are all performed without using hands. The doctor draws attention to the fact that movements should be performed smoothly, continuously and without unnecessary muscle tension. Also important is the degree of pupil latitude - changes in the diameter of the fundus depending on the light level. During the test, the pupils should be symmetrical, equal in size, without characteristic zones in one of their parts. When the muscles tense, the pupils dilate, and when they relax, they return to normal. If, on the contrary, they either narrow or expand, this is a manifestation of some kind of eye or brain disease. The doctor determines the sequence of actions and their time individually, taking into account the characteristics of each specific