
Country of origin: Ukraine, Kazan Pharmaceutical Factory (Russia), Caustic (Russia), Moscow Pharmaceutical Factory (Russia), Moscow Soap Factory (Russia), Nefis Cosmetics Kazan Chemical Plant (Russia), Nizhpharm (Russia), Retinoids ( Russia), Samara Pharmaceutical Factory (Russia).

Pharm-Group: Dermatoprotective agents.

Manufacturers: Darnitsa (Ukraine), Kazan Pharmaceutical Factory (Russia), Caustic (Russia), Moscow Pharmaceutical Factory (Russia), Moscow Soap Factory (Russia), Nefis-cosmetics Kazan Chemical Plant (Russia), Nizhpharm (Russia), Retinoids (Russia), Samara Pharmaceutical Factory (Russia).

International name: Glycerol.

Synonyms: Distilled glycerin, Suppositories with glycerin, Suppositories with glycerin.

Dosage forms: liquid, suppositories, substance, substance 5 kg, substance 30.8 kg, solution for external use.

Composition: Active ingredient - Glycerin.

Indications for use: Constipation of various origins - functional, psychogenic, age-related (including rectal coprostasis in elderly and senile people), with limited mobility, pregnancy and breastfeeding, etc.; prevention of constipation in patients who cannot strain during bowel movements, incl. with painful, thrombosed hemorrhoids, perianal abscess, anorectal stenosis, after myocardial infarction; for softening the skin and treating mucous membranes (liquid).

Contraindications: Hypersensitivity, renal failure, appendicitis, bleeding, diarrhea, acute hemorrhoids, anal fissures, inflammatory diseases and rectal tumors.

Side effects: With long-term local use: irritation and discomfort in the rectum; rarely - catarrhal proctitis.

Interaction: When used systemically, it potentiates the effects of diuretics and carbonic anhydrase inhibitors.

Overdose: For systemic use. Symptoms: headache, dizziness, confusion, dry mouth or increased thirst, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, severe dehydration, arrhythmia, renal failure.

Special instructions: Regular use as a laxative is not recommended. When used systemically in dehydrated patients, as well as in the presence of diabetes mellitus, the risk of developing symptoms of severe dehydration increases, leading to vascular overload and, accordingly, hyperglycemia. Non-ketone hyperglycemic coma (oral use) is rare, but several deaths have been reported.

Literature: Encyclopedia of Medicines 2004

Glycerin is a trihydric alcohol. It is part of many natural fats and lipids.

Glycerin is used in pharmacology and laboratory practice as a solvent. For example, it can be used to prepare injection solutions, ointments and other dosage forms. Glycerin is also used as a preservative in food production.

It is important to note that glycerin is a safe substance if used as directed. However, if used incorrectly, it can cause allergic reactions and other health problems. Therefore, before using glycerin, you must read the instructions and follow all precautions.