Gliosis Perivascular

Perivascular gliosis is a pathological condition of the brain characterized by proliferation (growth) of astrocytes around blood vessels.

The term "gliosis" refers to the excessive growth of neuroglia - supporting cells of the nervous tissue. Astrocytes are one of the main types of neuroglia. With gliosis, astrocyte hypertrophy occurs and their number increases.

“Perivascular” indicates the localization of the pathological process - in this case, around the vessels. Thus, perivascular gliosis is characterized by the proliferation of astrocytes precisely in the perivascular spaces - around capillaries and small arteries.

This condition develops as a reaction of brain tissue to vascular damage in various diseases (hypertension, cerebral atherosclerosis). Perivascular gliosis can lead to disruption of the blood supply to neurons and their death.

Perivascular gliosis, or perivascular glial cells, is a pathological process that occurs as a result of the proliferation of glial cells around the vessels of the brain and spinal cord. Both young and old people suffer from this process. It has been established that perivenous gliosis most often