Glomerulitis Intracapillary

Glomerular intracapillary edema (GIEC) is a condition in which blood plasma accumulates inside the capillaries of the kidneys.

It manifests itself as swelling, which can be either localized or widespread throughout the body. GNOCA can be caused by various diseases, including nephritis, malignant neoplasms, hemolytic anemia, heart failure, etc.

One of the first symptoms of GNOC is the presence of visible swelling on the face and hands. Patients may also experience malaise, weakness, headaches and other symptoms associated with chronic renal failure.

The causes of gonorrhea can be different. One of the most common factors is nephritis, an inflammatory disease of the kidneys. At the same time, the permeability of the capillaries increases, which leads to the accumulation of liquid in their cavity. In addition, the cause of the development of GNOK can be hemolytic anemia, a disease caused by the breakdown of red blood cells.

Various methods are used to treat GNOC, such as the prescription of antihypertensive drugs, diuretics, and steroids. In some cases, kidney surgery or organ transplantation may be required.