
Glucobene: an effective antidiabetic agent

Glucobene is an antidiabetic drug, a sulfonylurea derivative, which is used to treat type 2 diabetes mellitus. The active substance - glibenclamide - helps reduce the level of glycemia in the blood by stimulating the release of insulin from the pancreas.

The country of origin of Glucobene is Germany, and the manufacturer is Merkle GmbH. The drug is available in two dosage forms - 1.75 mg and 3.5 mg tablets.

Glucobene is the international name for glibenclamide, and also has many synonyms, including Antibet, Apo-Glyburide, Betanaz, Genial-Glib, Diab-control and others.

Indications for use of Glucobene are type 2 diabetes mellitus when it is impossible to compensate for hyperglycemia with diet, weight loss and physical activity. Contraindications include hypersensitivity to sulfonamide drugs and other components, diabetic precomatose and comatose state, ketoacidosis, extensive burns, surgery and trauma, intestinal obstruction, gastric paresis, conditions accompanied by impaired absorption of food, the development of hypoglycemia, hypo- or hyperthyroidism, impaired liver function and kidneys, leukopenia, type 1 diabetes mellitus, pregnancy and breastfeeding.

Like other medicines, Glucobene has side effects. Some of them may include disruption of the cardiovascular system and blood, disruption of the nervous system and sensory organs, metabolic disorders, disruption of the gastrointestinal tract, allergic reactions and others.

Glucobene's interactions with many other medications may affect its effectiveness and safety. Some of them may increase the hypoglycemic effect, while others may reduce it.

Overall, Glucobene is an effective antidiabetic agent that can help patients with type 2 diabetes achieve sustained compensation of hyperglycemia. However, before you start taking this medicine, you should consult a doctor and strictly follow the instructions for its use.