
Country of origin - Russia
Pharm-Group - dietary supplements that reduce the risk of developing inflammatory and ulcerative processes in the gastrointestinal tract

Manufacturers - Artlife (Russia)
International name - Glyukosil
Composition - 2 tablets weighing 0.5 g each contain: artichoke - 50 mg, L-carnitine - 5 mg, coenzyme Q10 - 5 mg, birch - 75 mg, bromelain - 10 mg, lingonberry - 70 mg, ginkgo biloba - 10 mg , St. John's wort - 50 mg, quercetin - 15 mg, nettle - 50 mg, burdock - 50 mg, raspberry - 50 mg

Indications for use - the dietary supplement "Glyukosil" is recommended as a general tonic for chronic inflammatory diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, a source of vitamins, bioflavonoids, chromium, zinc. The dietary supplement "Glyukosil" can be used as an auxiliary and preventive agent in the complex therapy of diabetes mellitus types I and II of varying severity, in case of impaired glucose tolerance.

Contraindications - Individual intolerance to the components.

Side effect - No data.

Interaction - No data available.

Overdose - No data available.

Special instructions - It is recommended to consult a doctor before use.

Literature - Brief reference book "The Art of Being Healthy" Art Life, Moscow, 2002.