Nest of the Wounded

A casualty nest is a temporary gathering place and shelter for wounded soldiers on the battlefield until they are evacuated to a medical station.

Nests for the wounded are usually equipped in shelters located in close proximity to the battlefield: in trenches, shell craters, destroyed buildings, etc. Here, the wounded are protected from enemy shelling and airstrikes while awaiting medical care and evacuation to the rear.

In the nest of the wounded, first aid is provided - application of tourniquets, dressing of wounds, administration of painkillers. Also, if possible, the wounded are given drinking water and food.

As the number of wounded accumulates, they are evacuated from the battlefield by ambulance (cars, helicopters) to the medical centers of the battalion, regiment, and division. There they are provided with qualified medical care and further evacuation is carried out to rear hospitals.

Thus, the casualty nest is an important element of medical support for troops, saving the lives of many soldiers wounded in battle.

The nest of the wounded is a place of temporary concentration of wounded army soldiers during active hostilities. This concept arose in the first half of the 20th century, when medical care was not always available and many wounded soldiers were forced to remain in place until doctors arrived. Now, thanks to modern technologies, wounded soldiers are promptly evacuated to medical centers to provide qualified assistance and further treatment. However, during combat operations there may be situations when it is necessary to temporarily wait for some time to wait for medical assistance. This is done to ensure that a wounded soldier is not sent back to the front without the necessary first aid. In this case, he will be able to wait for evacuation and quickly receive medical care in a hospital setting.