Closed nasality (r.clausa, lat.) is a voice disorder that causes the inability to pronounce or hear hard sounds in combination with a nasal sound. Most often, it occurs in Caucasians. The cause of the disease is hypertrophy of the palatine tonsils and the deposition of excess mucus in the oropharynx. There are acute and chronic closed forms of the larynx.
Closed nasality is a fairly common voice disorder. Its most common cause is chronic tonsillitis and increased activity of the sinuses. In addition, the cause may be inflammation of the nasal mucosa, complications after colds and ARVI, as well as influenza and many other diseases. Other causes of the disorder may be, for example, stressful situations in which the laryngeal muscles are very tense and the tongue and lips are not relaxed enough, metabolic disorders, smoking and drinking alcoholic beverages, laryngeal injuries, foreign body aspiration and other injuries, increased