
Gonopyepyemia (gonopyemia, gonopia, gonodiarrhea, gonorrhea and diarrhea syndrome) is a syndrome characterized by gonococcal infection and symptoms of diarrhea. The name of the syndrome comes from the Greek words “gonopoeia” - gonorrhea and “pepsitis” - inflammation of the intestines.

Gonocyppemia usually appears 7-10 days after infection if untreated. Gonococci are most often localized in the lower intestine, sometimes in the large intestine. Symptoms are most often acute or recurrent. Usually develops in young people.

The most common signs of gonocyppemia include:

− gastrointestinal symptoms such as belching, vomiting, abdominal pain, diarrhea;

− temperature, often moderate, - 37.5-38 degrees;

In advanced cases, acute intoxication of the body may occur. The temperature rises to