Gonorrhea Chronic

Gonorrhea is an inflammatory infectious disease that affects the genitourinary organs. The causative agent of the disease is the microbe gonococcus (Neisseria gonorrhoeae). Gonococcal infection spreads and affects not only the organs of the genitourinary system, but also the bile ducts and other pelvic organs. The disease is transmitted in two ways: sexually and vertically (from mother to fetus). Symptoms of chronic gonorrheal urethritis - Inflammation of the urethra and prostatic urethra is accompanied by: - ​​frequent painful urination in small portions - discharge from the urethra during sexual intercourse and urination, especially after sexual intercourse; - aching pain in the groin, abdomen, scrotum; - itching on the surface of the glans penis, foreskin

Gonorrhea causes inflammation of the genitourinary organs of varying severity. Depending on its course, acute gonorrhea, subacute and chronic gonorrhea of ​​the genital organs are distinguished. Bacterial and atypical types of gonorrhea of ​​the genitourinary tract are also isolated.

Men should not be afraid to consult a doctor and get examined at the first signs of illness. It is enough to start treatment quickly, and the likelihood of complications will be minimal. Remember if you miss