Sudovaya Hospital

A ship's hospital is a medical facility that is located on board a ship and is designed to provide medical care to seafarers and other passengers who need medical care. Ship hospitals can be either public or private. They provide a wide range of medical services, including treatment of various diseases, surgeries and procedures, and health advice.

Ship hospitals have their own characteristics and advantages over inpatient medical institutions. First, they can quickly move between different points at sea, allowing medical care to be provided anywhere in the world. Secondly, they have access to modern medical technologies and equipment that are not always available on land. Third, they provide 24-hour medical care, which is especially important for seafarers working at night.

However, ship hospitals also have their drawbacks. They may be less comfortable and safe than inpatient medical facilities due to limited space and the possibility of emergency situations. In addition, the cost of treatment in ship hospitals may be higher than in inpatient medical facilities.

In general, the ship's hospital is an important element of medical care for sailors and other passengers on board the ship. It provides high quality medical care and can be useful in cases where hospital care is not available.

A huge modern warship, carrying an armed crew on board, is equipped with the most modern technical means of navigation and communication. During combat, the ship may require urgent medical attention. Therefore, all modern ships, especially combat ones, have a hospital compartment on board. An external threat discovered in time was immediately taken up by humanity. As a result, military medicine arose, the basis of which is the naval hospital.

Why does marine medicine need a separate organization? The fact is that there are a number of specific features of the organization of medical care on warships. Let's look at them.

As noted, the Naval Medical Service is a health care organization formed