Goversa Puchok

The Govers' bundle is one of the methods for diagnosing and treating diseases of the nervous system, which was developed by the English neurologist William Gowers at the beginning of the 20th century. This method is one of the most effective and accurate ways to diagnose and treat neurological diseases such as epilepsy, stroke, brain injury and others.

The Govers' bundle is a system of wires and electrodes that are placed on the patient's head and record the electrical signals generated in the brain as a result of stimulation. Stimulation can be done by applying an electrical current to specific areas of the brain or by applying a magnetic field to them.

The Govers beam method allows you to accurately determine the location and size of the affected area of ​​the brain, as well as identify possible causes of the disease. Additionally, this technique can be used to treat neurological disorders such as epileptic seizures by suppressing electrical activity in affected areas of the brain.

Overall, the Govers' bundle is an effective tool for the diagnosis and treatment of many neurological diseases. However, before using this method, it is necessary to conduct a thorough examination of the patient to ensure its safety and effectiveness.