Govers Syndrome

Goversa is a type of drug intoxication with acute vegetative excitation and palpitations, accompanied by loss of consciousness and simulating presyncope or an epileptic seizure. The name is given after the discoverer of the diagnosis, Hungarian neuropathologist Lajos Gower. A rare exotic condition among opiate addicts or people using stimulants, it manifests itself in the form of a variety of clinical manifestations: dizziness, palpitations, decreased blood pressure, vomiting, pallor. A short-term episode develops spontaneously and lasts from 2-3 to 5 minutes. Migraine-like paroxysmal pain, total hyperesthesia are replaced by a vegetative storm: pallor, sweating, hyperhidrosis, cold sweat, a sharp drop in blood pressure. Many people associate the origin of dizziness with the immediate proximity of a coma. Govers syndrome is one of the earliest manifestations of anesthesia.

Govers syndrome

*Goversa* - the syndrome is in most cases a crisis condition (severe heart attack) or, more precisely, a crisis of the cardiovascular system (primarily of the vasovagal type). This term refers to a disorder of autonomic nervous regulation, manifested by paroxysmal complaints.

What is Severe Anxiety Disorder?

- By *severe anxiety disorder, DTBG, generalized anxiety disorder**,*** adaptation disorder or stress pathology is meant a pathological mental state of a person, expressed by a persistent increased feeling of anxiety and fear, unreasonable (relative to real events) anxiety, developing into maladjustment in various spheres of activity, everyday life and communication. - Increased anxiety does not necessarily develop immediately before fear. Typically, anxiety causes fear (hence fear, phobias), and its manifestation in turn causes emotions of anxiety. Abdominal pain can also trigger anxiety.