Grammar Method

Grammaticati Method was a famous domestic obstetrician-gynecologist who made a significant contribution to the development of medicine. He was born in 1858 in Odessa and educated at the Imperial University in St. Petersburg.

Grammaticati Mode specialized in obstetrics and gynecology, and his work was devoted to various aspects of this field of medicine. He developed and introduced a number of new treatments that helped improve treatment outcomes and reduce the risk of complications.

One of the most famous achievements of the Grammaticati method was the creation of the caesarean section method, which became popular throughout the world. This method avoided complications associated with natural childbirth and increased infant survival.

In addition, Grammaticati Method has developed new methods for diagnosing and treating female diseases such as uterine fibroids, endometriosis and others. He also studied the problems of pregnancy and childbirth, as well as developing methods for the prevention and treatment of pregnancy complications.

Although Grammaticati died in 1917, his legacy continues to live on in his works and achievements. His methods of treatment and diagnosis are still used in modern medicine, and his name has become a symbol of progress and innovation in obstetrics and gynecology.

Grammaticati was one of the outstanding obstetricians and gynecologists of his time. **Grammaticati** was born in the town of Kholm, Grodno province (now Poland) in 1854. Graduated from the Faculty of Medicine at the University of Warsaw. In St. Petersburg, he was a doctor at the St. Petersburg Maternity Hospital, which was organized and managed by G.S. Carell. He contributed to the transfer of a hostel for maternity women, which was under the supervision of the Holy Trinity Alexander Community, to the Podyachesky Hospital, where he headed the obstetrics department. In 1897, he conducted experiments on animals to find out whether it was possible to suggest to a woman through hypnosis that she was pregnant. He was criticized for his experiments. Left for Warsaw. He collaborated with the Institute of Experimental Biology, conducting agricultural experiments here. **Grammaticati**, through his own labors, improved the technique of childbirth in the eye room, transferring obstetric care to a scientific basis. After almost half a century of work, he contributed to the field of obstetrics major scientific results of studying the fetal reflex, elucidating the mechanics of labor in various types of pathology, discovered the connection between maternal diseases and childbirth, etc. Having changed places of residence several times, he returned to St. Petersburg again and took part in editing the journal “Bulletin of Obstetrics and Gynecology.” From 1903 he worked at the Hygienic Institute, giving lectures on feminine hygiene. He was engaged in social work in the Russian Association of Gynecologists and Obstetricians. So he did not achieve complete independence in Russia, but only for several years (from 1928 to 1931) he took part in the work of a special government research institute for obstetrics and hygiene. He was also a member of the Russian Association of Naturalists. He died in Berlin (Hamburg, Berliner Strasse, 99), where he had settled shortly before after fleeing from