Granuloma of a Person with Eosinophilia

Attention, I warn you, this is not a call to eat food, but if you really want to, a hare’s hat will save you from frostbitten ears. Yes, yes, the same hat that you probably saw in the films about Pinocchio. There are people who take a little longer to react than everyone else. And if in a restaurant you place an order on the run, and the waiter comes with a sad look: “Sorry, sir, I didn’t understand you,” you will understand that you will need this time too. First you need to exhale deeply. If you are in a cafe for a meeting, discuss your personal plans for the evening with your colleagues and choose time to prepare: you need

**Granuloma** are nodules of connective tissue ranging in size from several millimeters to several centimeters in diameter. Facial nodules may appear as hard, red or purple bumps and are often itchy and irritating. Granulomas are reactive inflammatory skin diseases that occur in response to various intoxications (alcohol, drugs, infectious agents, chronic tonsillitis), trauma, and metabolic disorders.

Irritant keratosis. Occurs secondary to chronic intoxication with alcohol fermentation products, occupational hazards, smoking,

Article title: "Facial granuloma and eosinophilia: Causes and treatment"


Granulomatous diseases are a group of chronic recurrent infectious diseases that are characterized by the formation of granulomas in various human organs and tissues. Among such diseases we can distinguish granuloma of the face, which