Granuloma Spermatozoal

Treatment of granuloma requires persistence and thoroughness. Success in the treatment of granuloma largely depends on early diagnosis of the disease and accurate implementation of all treatment procedures prescribed by the doctor. It is necessary to follow all the doctor's instructions, otherwise the therapy may be ineffective. You may need to wait some time before beginning the recovery process after pellet treatment

Spermatogenic granulomas are chronic inflammatory processes in the tissues of the spermatic cord, abdominal cavity and epididymis, leading to sclerosis and atrophy of the testicles, and decreased sexual function. The spermogram shows a decrease in motility and a decrease in ejaculate volume. Typically, the presence of granulomas in the tissue is an incidental finding during a routine examination for infertility or when performing a germination test. The most common cause of the appearance of such formations is chronic epididymitis, but there are other factors for the occurrence of epididymitis, including increased activity of microorganisms, impaired immune system, scrotal injuries, etc. Treatment can be either conservative or surgical. The patient must maintain a lifestyle, avoiding hypothermia and stressful situations. If the accessory glands are affected, then anti-inflammatory therapy is necessary. Therapy is carried out with immunomodulatory and antioxidant drugs. Removal of formations includes removal of connective tissue in the area of ​​inflammation and application of elastic or compression