Grossikha Method

Title: "Grossih method - a unique method of surgical intervention"

Description: Grossikh is a urologist; A surgeon specializing in the treatment of the urinary and reproductive tract in the genitourinary region. Grossikh is one of the founders of urology, he coined the term "Urology". The first began to write surgical periodicals about the “urinary organs.” He brought many more achievements to medicine. It was Grossikh who developed a unique surgical method that helped many patients recover. This method is still used today. We invite you to take a closer look at this method in the article. In the urological department No. 2 of the Institute of Urological and Reproductive Technologies named after. IN AND. Rusanov had the opportunity to perform an operation using Grossikh’s unique, proprietary technique, which was created more than a century ago. The Grossikh method is a complex procedure that requires special skills and qualifications from the doctor. The doctor uses special instruments - wedge-shaped, conical, triangular, round, stepped drills, which allow making cuts in various layers of the urinary bodies and vessels. The technique, which allowed the doctor to completely restore the structure of damaged organs and avoid repeated injuries to the genitourinary tract, received his name. After such surgical assistance, the patient is able to quickly and safely go through the recovery period and return to a normal lifestyle without excruciating pain. The Grossikh method is used in both adult and pediatric urology. Indications for surgical treatment include dissection and sclerosis of the prostate, hydronephrosis complicated by cystitis and pyelonephritis, as well as damage to the urethra.