Breast medicines, simple and complex and how to use them

Breast medicines are medicines that cleanse the chest, and they are divided into degrees. Medicines of the first degree are bean flour, water sweetened with honey, roasted flaxseed, almonds and sweet wine; it is good for opening blockages in the lungs; cold medicines include kissa seeds, cucumber, melon and pumpkin. As for ghee, if you limit yourself to it alone, it promotes ripening more than it cleanses; if you lick it with honey and bitter almonds, it promotes ripening less and purifies more. Turpentine tree resin, bitter almond, sikanjubin are more potent

from sea onions, fenugreek and frankincense; Khairun fins have great strength in this regard. Even more powerful are cumin, pepper, lenticular vetch, licorice root, opopanax root, beaver stream with honey, sea onion, fried, pounded and mixed with honey, yarrow, round aristolochia, nigella and worms that grow under water jugs; they are dried on baked clay, over coals or in a bread oven until they turn white, and mixed with honey. Elecampane is also useful if you add it to the medicine; Elecampane juice helps a lot. Rhubarb is one of the medicines that relieves expectoration, and the tortuous gill also helps a lot. Viper's onion is useful and very cleansing, especially raw, followed by viper's onion, which has been boiled only once. Saffron strengthens the respiratory system and makes breathing very easy. These medicines are suitable as a drink and suitable as a bandage.

Among the complex medicines used are Plato's pills, that is, pills from Maya, hyssop drink in various recipes, Andromache's medicine, Asclepiades's medicine, Galen's medicine, infusions of sleeping pills of poppy in various recipes, Magnaus's medicine, as well as medicine from anacardium with myrobalans.

Here is one of the means that helps to expectorate thick juices and pus: take sagapen and myrrh, a miskal each, wild cumin, two miskals, opium, two miskals, beaver stream, and mix with sweet wine. Drink half a glass each time. Another proven remedy: take four dirhams of incense and two myrrhs with three uqiyas of may-bukhtaj. All this is boiled down to the thickness of honey and allowed to lick. Or take squeezed cabbage juice and the same amount of honey, or cabbage decoction. This composition is boiled until it thickens, and the fire should be a fire from coals. And one more thing: they take myrrh, pepper, nettle seeds, sagapen and mustard: they make pills from this and give them to drink in the morning and evening, before going to bed. And one more thing: mustard dirham, bavrak nine qirats, squeezed mad cucumber juice one and a half qirats. This drink expels a lot of excess and cleanses the lungs without harm. Here is one of the strong medicines in this case: take stinking ferula root, nettle seeds, mustard, squeezed juice of mad cucumber, anise; All this is bound with honey or kneaded with honey.

For juices that are rather hot, use: fenugreek, two uqiyas, flaxseed, one and a half uqiyas, lenticular vetch, half a kiya, cotton seeds, half a uqiya, thickly boiled licorice juice, two uqiyas. All this is mixed with almond oil and bound with honey. Also: take cordia, white figs, pitted raisins, licorice root and hair of Venus, boil it all until soft and give it to drink; If you boil polypodium and turbite in such water, it will be useful.

Know that matter is often retained in the chest, which could be removed, but the patient’s strength for this is weak. In this case, you should resort to sneezing.