Hernia Or Weak Point Of The Stronger Sex

A hernia is a soft, round formation, a protrusion of internal organs from the abdominal cavity. In order to better understand how a hernia forms, imagine that you hold a dough ball in your hand. Now try to squeeze it - the dough will crawl into the cracks between your fingers. The same thing happens with significant physical activity, heavy lifting, overexertion, straining, coughing or sneezing, when intra-abdominal pressure increases. Internal organs - most often loops of intestines, covered with peritoneum, emerge through the separated muscles and tendon fibers of the anterior abdominal wall (through the so-called “hernial orifice”).

This does not happen to everyone and not always, and if it does happen, then when relaxed, in a supine position, the organs that formed the hernia return to their place and the hernia is reduced. It came out - it was straightened, it’s unpleasant, but you can live and we could close the topic on this, but ... A periodically protruding hernia, each time it pushes the muscles further apart and at one “wonderful” moment, with sudden straining, it cannot return back and is pinched muscles of the abdominal wall.

The doctor can try to set it back and often succeeds. If it is not possible to correct the hernia, they resort to urgent surgical intervention. Why urgent? Yes, because if you do not find yourself on the operating table with a strangulated hernia within the next 2 hours, the vessels will be compressed and the intestine will rupture with the development of peritonitis. Many surgical techniques have been developed for the treatment of hernias. Here are some:

  1. The old method - layer-by-layer closure of the defect and elimination of the “hernial orifice” using the muscles and muscle tendons of the person being operated on, is carried out under general anesthesia and requires a month to recover after surgery.

  2. A new method is to strengthen the gap in the abdominal wall using a mesh made of inert materials. The operation is performed under local anesthesia and allows you to return to active life much faster. By the way, the mesh method using mesh practically does not cause recurrence of hernias.

  3. The most modern - low-traumatic, but more expensive - laparoscopic methods using a miniature video camera and special instruments. The operation is performed through small incisions, and the surgeon looks at the hernia on TV.

Dear men, take care of yourself and take care of yourself for the fair sex.