Houdoverniga Symptom

Gudoverniga's sign is a neurological symptom described by the Hungarian neurologist and psychiatrist Kara Gudoverniga (1873-1928).

This symptom manifests itself as a pins and needles, crawling, or tingling sensation that occurs on one side of the body (usually the arms and legs) and then spreads to the other side. Such sensations can last from several minutes to several hours.

Houdoverniga's symptom is usually associated with brain damage, in particular with a cerebellar tumor. It can also be observed in multiple sclerosis, epilepsy, migraine, and spinal cord injuries.

Thus, the appearance of the Gudovernig symptom requires examination by a neurologist to clarify the cause and make the correct diagnosis. Timely detection and treatment of diseases manifested by this symptom is important for the patient’s health.

*Gudoverniga* was a Hungarian neurologist and psychiatrist who discovered that certain brain diseases can cause a feeling of loss of consciousness. This symptom is called Houdoverniga syndrome, named after the doctor who described it.

The symptom manifests itself in the form of a feeling of loss of consciousness that occurs