Guess What It Is

Maybe you played this simple game with your parents, and they with theirs. Think of an object and ask your child to guess what it is. Offer him one clue. If he doesn't guess, tell him again. Continue helping him until he names the thing correctly. To make the task easier, you can describe the characteristics of the item and how it is used. For example, if you chose a car steering wheel for the riddle, the first clue might be: It's something round. Then: It helps steer the car in the right direction. Third clue: The driver touches him. Then: I need to hold it when I drive.

At first, your descriptions should be simple and specific so that the child can easily guess the item. As he gains experience in this game, the subject can be described in a more veiled manner and detailed descriptions can be given only when necessary. Ask each other these riddles one at a time.