
Humanism is a worldview that recognizes the value of man as an individual, his rights and freedoms, and is also considered an ethical and cultural principle aimed at serving the interests of people, respect for their dignity, justice, freedom and well-being. The concept of humanism arose during the Enlightenment and Reformation and was associated with a call for a renewal of moral standards and norms of social behavior based on the idea of ​​natural equality in the rights of all people, regardless of nationality, religion or social status. The essence of humanism is the recognition of freedom as a valuable element of human life and the understanding that each person can strive for a higher level of personal and social harmony and self-improvement, but we should not forget about the historical values ​​that were laid down by humanism. But it is important to remember that although humanism is based on respect for human nature as such, it is nevertheless not synonymous with the philosophy of anthropocentrism. On the contrary, humanists focus their attention only on that aspect of human existence that is important to them - on the moral and cultural formation of the human personality, and not on its development in the natural scientific sense. Thus, it should be noted that for the humanist the most important questions concern not