
**Gynecology** is one of the most important branches of medical science. This is the field that deals with the prevention, diagnosis and treatment of diseases of the female reproductive system.

The main goal of gynecology is to preserve women's health and create conditions for a successful pregnancy. Therefore, gynecology is closely related to reproduction and motherhood. Unfortunately, many women do not understand their role in reproduction, and therefore their health and destiny fade into the background. This position can lead to dire consequences.

There are many gynecological diseases: these include anomalies in the development of reproductive organs and tissues, inflammatory processes, cervical erosion and many other diseases. Of course, the greatest danger to a woman’s health is inflammatory pathologies of the uterus. They were not known about for a long time and, as a result, were discovered late. Several decades ago, gynecology was in the stage of “disaster”. Women sought help when they were already in critical condition. After all, when the disease is detected at a late stage, more serious treatment is necessary. Previously, the woman lost time during which the disease progressed. It often became so that when performing a complex abdominal operation to remove the uterus, it was no longer possible to save it, or the removal of the uterus occurred from