Mitral attitude

Habitus mitrali.

Habitus mitralius is a rare and little-known condition that is characterized by certain physical signs such as cyanosis of the skin and extremities, and short stature. This condition is often associated with the diagnosis of mitral stenosis (Mitral stenosis or MS), which is a serious heart condition.

When cyanosis (blue color) of the skin on the lips, nose, and ears is noted, it may be due to exposure to carbon dioxide in the blood. In people with MS, there is a narrowing of the left atrioventacular orifice (mitral valve) due to fibrocalcification

Habitus mitralis (cyanosis mitrambolicum or mitral cynosis) is a symptom of mitral heart disease and is characterized by a cyanotic coloration of the lower part of the face and hands. This sign is not always associated with stenosis of the left atrioventricular foramen, but may indicate dysfunction of the left ventricle of the heart. Other reasons that can cause this type of cyanosis may be associated with a lack of hemoglobin or a general circulatory disorder. Mithramil habitus (“pear-shaped face”) is the appearance of a healthy person, characterized by pallor of the facial skin, combined