Hagedorn Needle

Hagedorn Igel is a German surgeon known for his research in soft tissue surgery. He was born in 1834 in Waltersdorf, East Prussia (modern Poland).

The first years of his career, Hagedorn studied medicine at the University of Breslau (now Poland), where he studied with the best teachers of his time. After graduating from university, he worked as a doctor at the Bellin Clinic located in Berlin.

In 1865, Hagedorn decided to specialize in surgical operations and moved to Göttingen, where he became an assistant professor of surgery. He quickly gained a reputation as an accomplished surgeon, working in many hospitals throughout Germany.

One of Hagedont's most famous works is his study of "Kleidungsplissierung" ("clothing fusion"), which began in 1953 and continued for more than 40 years. The study focused on the treatment of war-related wounds and wounds. Hagedon used a combination