Hallucinations Panoramic

Hallucinations are false sensations, illusions, perceptions of images in memory; they can appear in different senses and be accompanied by different colors. Many people wonder what hallucinations are. This article will provide a definition of this concept and its varieties.

Visual or extraprojective. These are pathological perceptions that appear outside of real vision. They are mainly accompanied by illusions of movement, volume, color or size. Usually accompanied by a fantastic plot or an internal sense of purpose, such hallucinations are characteristic of asthenic and organic psychoses. Auditory. Characteristic for various

Panoramic wandering (hallucinatory) is a mental disorder characterized by illusory visual effects that reproduce an apparent change in the external environment seen by the sick person. A distinctive feature of this volume. When the patient describes his visual distortions, they are perceived as real, with which he can perform certain actions.

Such visual distortions can be pleasant, like the approach of the opposite partner, or scary, like the appearance of a rat under the bed that was not there even during intercourse. Clinical studies have shown that this condition is closely associated with delirium, but it can also occur independently. The duration of this illness may be limited to minutes or hours. The appearance of this illusion comes unexpectedly and may be accompanied by sudden, vague memories. As a rule, this disease disappears without a trace without taking medications. However, in some cases, treatment with antipsychotic drugs and tranquilizers is possible. The panoramic liar is a visual deception in the form of continuous parallel movement of objects along a plane at eye level. Observed only during the daytime. Its appearance is associated with either acute or chronic cerebral vascular insufficiency, or it appears after a traumatic brain injury. It can also be a manifestation of retinopathy, cataracts and glaucoma. In addition, a hallucinatory vision may appear against the background of alcoholic psychosis.

All visual illusions, including panoramic ones, are caused by a weakening of the foveal recipe, their defectiveness. As a result, the normal connection between the central nervous system and the peripheral nervous system is disrupted, and retinal cells do not send any signals to the center of vision. They are localized only in front of the patient's eyes. This leads to disruption of the normal reflex connection between them and the brain. That is why some mental disorders, such as hysteria, sleepy visions, synesthesia, arise from changes in the central nervous system.