Operation Hanlon-Blelock

Hanlon-Blalock operation: history, essence and application

The Hanlon-Blalock operation is one of the most significant medical triumphs that significantly influenced the field of surgery. It was developed by two American surgeons - S. R. Hanlon and A. Blalock in 1944.

History of creation

The operation was developed to treat a severe form of congenital heart disease - obstructive ventricular septal defect (OVSD). It was the first operation that made it possible to treat this defect, which was previously considered incurable.

Initially, Hanlon and Blalock conducted animal experiments to determine the feasibility of creating a shunt between the aorta and pulmonary artery. As a result of experiments, they found the optimal way to create a shunt, which was then used in operations on humans.

The essence of the operation

The Hanlon-Blalock procedure creates a shunt between the aorta and the pulmonary artery to increase blood flow to the lungs and reduce the strain on the heart. This is done by creating a hole in the interventricular septum and connecting it to the aorta and pulmonary artery.


Hanlon-Blelock surgery was the first successful treatment for VSD. It opened up new opportunities for surgeons and allowed many patients to be saved who were previously doomed to live with serious limitations.

However, despite the success of the operation, it is not a universal method for treating congenital heart defects. There are a number of other treatment methods that can be used depending on the type and severity of the defect.


The Hanlon-Blalock operation is a historic advance in the field of surgery that has significantly impacted the treatment options for congenital heart defects. She demonstrated that even the most complex defects can be cured through surgery. Today, the Hanlon-Blalock procedure remains one of the main treatments for VSD and continues to save the lives of thousands of people around the world.

The 2016 Lasker Award is a prestigious international medical award recognizing excellence in scientific work and research. The Hanlon-Blalock operation has been hailed as "the most influential (and only one of the most obscure) medical developments of the century." It has been called one of the great ideas of modern medicine as a result, as physician Dennis LaPorte said, “it will be the only medical operation that no one needs to have” [1].