Human character based on facial wrinkles

Wrinkles on the face - it is an emotional mask or an individual drawing that leaves a mark on our face based on life experience. These wrinkles can tell you a lot, in particular about your character, temperament, and the years you have lived. There is no secret to reading wrinkles, these are your feelings experienced over the years. After all, 22 muscles are responsible for facial expressions, and those that we use more often than others form an individual pattern in the form facial wrinkles.

What can you read from the wrinkles on your face!?

  1. Several wrinkles resembling rays – which are located from the outer edge of the eye and go upward. They talk about cunning and deceit. A person with such wrinkles knows what he wants, and most importantly, knows how to achieve it. They have some tricks that help them gain trust in people. But they lack sincerity and this scares them away.
  1. So called "crow's feet" - located in the corners of the eyes and lips. They talk about your cheerfulness, your optimistic character, your openness and your ability to empathize.
  1. Deep wrinklein the center, between the eyebrows – most likely you have experienced many trials.
  1. Deep wrinkle displacedto one of the eyebrows – health problems cannot be ruled out. But my personal life is going well. You are made for love and romantic adventures.
  1. Two distinct wrinkles between the eyebrows - they talk about excellent business qualities, organizational skills, and some inflexibility of character. It also indicates frequently experienced stress, anxiety, and the tension in which you are located. If these wrinkles are curved, then most likely you are not a very serious person. Capable of childish antics and unexpected actions.


  1. Three straight wrinkles between the eyebrows - talk about straightforwardness and assertiveness. If they are of different lengths and not even, this indicates short temper, touchiness and jealousy.
  1. Many shallow horizontal wrinkles on the forehead - they talk about an easy, unobtrusive character, but sometimes changeable. People with such wrinkles are connoisseurs of beauty, have excellent taste, and they are not afraid of work.
  1. Deep horizontal wrinkles on the forehead - they talk about stubbornness. The owner of such wrinkles almost always achieves his goal, by any means necessary.
  1. Intermittent horizontal wrinkles on the forehead - they speak about the goodwill of their owner.
  1. Deep nasolabial wrinkles - can speak of stubbornness, fastidiousness, waywardness of character, as well as dissatisfaction with life. Often experiencing bitterness, disappointment or envy.

Mimic wrinkles of the face, can tell a lot about a person’s character, take a closer look at your loved ones and acquaintances. One glance is enough and you will understand what character traits they have.

The emotions that a person experiences always leave a mark on his face. Therefore, you can recognize your character by looking at the wrinkles.

You just need to look a little closer, and then you will be able to read a person like an open book.

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Deep transverse folds on the forehead

This is the result of constantly experiencing stress and nervous tension. When angry, worried, or solving life's problems, a person involuntarily wrinkles his forehead. It is absolutely smooth only in infants and people who are not burdened with intelligence. Well, and also among the ladies who resorted to the help of modern cosmetology.

Wrinkles in the corners of the eyes

These “rays of happiness” appear when a person smiles or laughs. Such crow's feet in the corners of the eyes indicate a kind-hearted person. An interesting fact: a network of wrinkles around the eyes gives the face charm and attractiveness, forcing an interested gaze to linger on such a face.

Nasolabial folds

Too pronounced, they give the face a mournful and mournful expression. If a person is sad and sad too often, such an expression becomes habitual for the facial muscles, and he looks unhappy, even if he did not think about being upset at all.

Wrinkles in the corners of the mouth

The zygomaticus major muscle of the face, which lifts the corners of the lips, is also called the muscle of irony and laughter. If a person laughs often and heartily, then the corners of the lips rise on both sides, forming folds. And those whose zygomatic muscles are well developed have cute dimples on their cheeks. If a person is prone to irony and skepticism, then the wrinkles around the mouth will be more pronounced on only one side.

Vertical groove on the bridge of the nose

This “feature” is characteristic of proud and arrogant people. Modern doctors believe that such a fold is formed if a person lives in a state of constant stress and is accustomed to perceiving life as an eternal struggle.

Law of symmetry

There are no absolutely symmetrical faces in nature: the proportions of the left and right sides of the face in any person are slightly disturbed, and this is normal. But if the disproportion becomes obvious, this is a reason to be wary. Inconsistency in the work of the facial muscles reveals an insincere person, accustomed not to express feelings, but only to depict them.