Characteropathy is a disintegration of personality, against the background of which a person ceases to correspond to a socially approved image or, conversely, becomes more and more abnormal. There are several types of characteropathy:
- Anankastic personality is a neurotic person who obsessively experiences inexplicable fears and worries, as a result of which she practically cannot
Let's look at what characterometry is? In other words, it is a set of psychological characteristics of an individual that underlies the formation of certain character traits characteristic of a particular person. Character is understood as a set of basic mental and psychophysiological characteristics that find their expression in a person’s relationship to reality and determine his entire life path. A characteristic syndrome is a set of signs and characteristic features that form a unique symptom complex. To define character means to give it a certain “recognition.” Each person has virtues, one might say, basic personality qualities with which we can be satisfied and which others want to achieve. This could be charisma, life position, style of behavior or qualities of talent. Knowing ourselves, we need to know what they are exactly. Every time we try to change, we make efforts to become better. Let's look at ourselves critically. We are dissatisfied with ourselves and our actions. So, we'll fix it. During adolescence, there is an active process of self-discovery. Mental development during this period is formed mainly through communication with peers. But over time, a person becomes independent from the opinions of others about himself. He begins to evaluate himself differently: by correlating his actions with the norms and values of other people. However, in the minds of a teenager, these norms are formed incorrectly.