Hardening of the penis plastic

Induratio penis plastica is a rare medical pathology that is characterized by the growth of the skin of the penis and the tissues around it. It manifests itself in the form of thickening and deformation of the corpora cavernosa, leading to erectile dysfunction and dysfunction of urination. Most often, this pathology develops in men over 45 years of age.

This pathology has no clearly visible causes of development, but doctors identify several factors that can lead to its development: hormonal imbalances, poor circulation in the penile area due to sedentary work or frequent sexual intercourse, trauma to the penis,

Induratio pen?s plastika is a clinical case of deformation of the male genital organ. The term was coined to refer to the hard and puffy flesh that can result from traumatic injury to soft tissue.

What is Peyronie's disease? Peyronie's syndrome is classified as an orthopedic disorder of erectile function. Among the most common causes of Peyronie's disease are fractures and hematomas of the penis, as well as other traumatic injuries. Indurative plastic penis (IPP) occurs for the same reasons as Peyron's disease, only without the atrophic component of muscle tissue. Education Peyronie's disease was initially controversial, but more than a third of male patients who consult doctors with this problem had a traumatic history. The traumatic factor consists of a fall from a height or a blow with a penis that has an initial degree of curvature. The genesis is multifactorial, and a direct connection with injury is not always observed. Diagnosis can be difficult with small degrees of penile curvature.