Harke Method

The Harcke method is a method of opening the paranasal sinuses, which is used to perform surgical operations on the bones of the base of the skull. This method was developed in the mid-20th century by the German surgeon Harke and has since been widely used in medicine.

The Harke method involves the surgeon making an incision in the skin and soft tissues of the face, then he saws the bones of the base of the skull in the sagittal plane, that is, in the plane passing through the middle of the skull. This allows you to gain access to the paranasal sinuses and perform the necessary operations on them.

The advantages of the Harque method are that it allows surgery on the bones of the skull without the need to use other methods such as trepanation or endonasal surgery. In addition, this method allows the surgeon to gain greater access to the bones of the skull, which can be useful when performing complex operations.

However, the Harke method also has its drawbacks. It requires a highly qualified surgeon and experience working with the bones of the skull, and can also cause some complications such as bleeding or infection. In addition, this operation requires special equipment and tools.

In general, the Harque method is one of the most effective methods for opening the paranasal sinuses and can be used in various cases when surgical operations on the bones of the skull are required.

The Hark Method, or the method of opening the paranasal cells of the nasal paso through cutting the bony part of the skull in the sagittal direction, is a common surgical method in otolaryngology to eliminate diseases of the paranasal bones, such as osteomyelitis, sinusitis, polyposis and other types of sinus diseases. However, the use of the Hark Method poses a high risk of complications, which can lead to prolonged hospitalization of the patient, lifelong disability and even death. In the article we will consider the issue of using the Hark Method, its risks and possible alternatives.

The Hark Method is one of the most modern methods of opening the nasal perinatal bones. It was invented in the last century by Harvard Medical School professor John Hark, who used it in his medical practice to treat patients with diseases of the paranasal ribs. Hark

As is known, the use of surgical methods is always associated with a risk of complications, but the Harque method shows low rates of trauma to patients. The Harque method involves opening the paranasal (maxillary) sinuses during operations on the base of the skull. It is based on access to the sinuses through an opening