Hass al-khimar - dyeing oxwort

Its leaves look like thin lettuce leaves. They are darkish and covered with fluff, firmly attached to the root and dense. Its root is reddish and stains the hand and the ground red. It grows in good soil; its substance is watery and earthy. This is the Shinjar, which has already been mentioned.

Yellow is stronger, and white is watery and weak.

Hot, dry at the beginning of the second degree.

Actions and properties.
Cleansing, opening, thinning; its dried flowers are stronger in all these actions. The nature of its root is close to the nature of the seeds. Its root, especially the dry one, is the strongest part of it. Paul says: “He has the ability to draw out from the depths, so that he even draws out the points of arrows.”

Tumors and acne.
It is useful for hard tumors, wherever they are, and if you make a wax ointment from it, it heals; Its juice with wax ointment also works.

Tools with joints.
Volovik and its roots sometimes serve as a medicinal bandage for gout, and it is applied with vinegar for inflammation of the sciatic nerve.

Organs of the head.
Its squeezed juice, when administered into the nose, cleanses the head; mixed with honey it is consumed from the kul; it is also useful in the form of an ointment.

Organs of the eye.
Dry cowwort reduces traces of ulcers remaining in the eye and eliminates thickening of the membranes.

Nutritional organs.
It cleanses the liver, and pickled with vinegar is useful for the spleen in the form of food or medicinal dressing.

Eruption organs.
It strongly drives menstruation, expels a dead fetus and kills a living one, and also helps with hard tumors in the uterus if inserted into the vagina or sat in its decoction. It drives menstruation faster than any other medicine and is most suitable for this.

A single amount of it is one misqal in a drink or when inserted into the vagina. It is applied with wax ointment to cracks in the anus.