Head Branch of the Field Evacuation Point

The head department of the field evacuation point - the department is designed for centralized management of all evacuation of troops: medical, service and other types of activities.

Next, we will consider the structure of the GOPEP; as a rule, the GOPEP includes the following structures and positions. - Head of GOPEP. The main association providing medicine ERE.

Chief of Staff GOPEP/Head of Tactical Medical Service - divisional doctor responsible for managing the medical and sanitary support of a separate unit - head of the medical support service - organizes and conducts measures for medical support of troops and evacuation of the wounded and sick to the PPM.

The head department of a field evacuation point (gopep) is a medical unit that, in wartime, provided medical care to the wounded and injured on the battlefield. It is one of the main elements of the system of evacuation and medical assistance in military conflicts. Gopeps also provide medical and sanitary support to troops during combat operations.

Gopep is formed by the Russian army, usually on a peacetime base. As a rule, to form such units, medical battalions and medical battalions are used as a base for replenishment. In peacetime, a medical battalion includes a triage department, an evacuation hospital, a medical supply department and a medical company, which may also have specialized departments, for example for wounded instigators. The hospital training department usually works in conjunction with the hospitals themselves. At the same time, the staffing structure makes it possible to diagnose post-traumatic mental disorders and determine the causes of mental disorders among personnel and soldiers. After first aid is provided, the wounded are sent to hospitals where they undergo treatment and rehabilitation.