Hearing Strips

Hearing strips are special plates that are attached to the inner surface of the middle ear and extend into the ear canal. They help control hearing, reduce noise and improve the quality of speech perception. In this article, we'll look at how hearing strips work, the benefits they provide, why hearing should be maintained, and how to prevent hearing loss.

What are auditory stripes?

Hearing strips are located inside the ear canal and are made of plastic or metal plates. Their length is from 2 to 3 cm, width 5 mm. They are usually covered with fabric or have holes to facilitate air circulation in the ears. Hearing strips stimulate the auditory center area within the brain, resulting in improved hearing, reduced background noise, and increased ability to hear high-pitched sounds. They are commonly used to treat hearing problems in people under 70 years of age. However, they can be useful for many other purposes, such as improving concentration, improving memory, and enhancing learning.

Benefits of hearing strips

If you are looking to improve your hearing, hearing strips may be a great choice. Below are some of the benefits they have: - Hearing strips normalize the frequency of sounds that surround us in everyday life (phone calls, household devices, traffic noise). This makes it easier to separate them from the environment and increase their concentration; - Improving the function of the inner ear, which made it possible to restore the efficiency of sound perception; - Helps reduce noise levels by absorbing sound waves around you so your ear receives less irritation; - Signals from the outside overcome the shell of the bone drum, stimulating the nerve endings in the inner ear, which are responsible for converting sound vibrations into nerve impulses. After passing through the auditory pathways, the signals received by the brain are correctly interpreted and remain evident. Symptoms for which hearing strips are used: Dryness or congestion in the ear; Feeling of “music” or ringing in the ears; Noise in the ear area; Contraction in the center of hearing; Hearing impairment accompanied by the appearance of “rustles” in the head; Loss of hearing acuity; - Regular wearing of hearing bands is possible together with other medical prescriptions and is a necessary component of complex treatment. This procedure is especially indicated for people suffering from impaired hearing.