Heboid Criminal

Heboid is a term in criminology. It refers to a type of socio-pathological condition that manifests itself in the tendency of the criminal’s personality to commit homosexual and bisexual acts of a sexual nature. This term was introduced by the domestic psychiatrist N.Ya. Ivanovsky in 1927.


Heboid criminogenic (from the Latin “hebo” - connection, and “crimino” - crime) - this is the use of drugs, in addition to other irresistible passions that push a person to commit a crime, essentially represent an integral part of this crime, because once you have taken drug, you become illegal.

The criminal heboid drug addict, according to many sources, is a weak person. It is almost impossible to meet a cultural heboid, from a good family (not counting his alcoholic father and bitch mother). He can have two degrees and become an excellent specialist, but he will always remain a degraded person. A person with a criminal heboid experience, burdened by the fear of exposure, will always envy healthy people, trying to rob them and will not be able to treat them well. This quality of his nature inevitably leads to crimes. All the senses of a normal person are very finely tuned to the environment and help him survive. In order to survive, a person must be able to recognize smells, sounds and shapes

Heboids of a criminal nature is a concept that is used in legal terms to designate a category of crimes associated with theft, fraud and other illegal activities in the economic sphere. Heboid criminals are people who have

Criminal heboids are people who are involved in crimes and crime. Their actions can range from petty theft and fraud to murder and robbery. Heboids usually have no moral principles and do not respect the laws of society.

Heboid criminals are a kind of collection of people, each of whom performs certain functions in his team. They work in groups, sharing responsibilities: someone plans robberies, someone searches for suitable objects for robbery, and someone directly penetrates the object.

Let's look at the types of heboids: - Young heboid criminal gangs commit illegal acts at night. Theft and beating, especially of women, are often used. - Criminal communities of more mature age steal large sums of money, rob shops, food and clothing markets. At the moment, they use self-defense weapons, but the majority of murders occur due to drunkenness during brawls in residential buildings. A new layer of young, already quite mature citizens is emerging. They most often perform actions for personal reasons. They can also be provoked by the victim’s careless behavior.

The main difference between a criminal heboid and an ordinary criminal is the lack of conscience and moral principles.