Haylit Mischera

Michers' cheilitis is an inflammatory disease of the lips caused by the herpes simplex virus. This condition usually appears as small red blisters and sores that can be very itchy and painful.

Most often, Miescher cheilitis affects people aged 20 to 50 years. The disease manifests itself in people with low immunity or a weakened immune system, for example, those who have recently undergone surgery, cancer, have diabetes, take medications that lower immunity (for example, acyclovir), have other chronic diseases, etc. The disease occurs most often in the winter season. Therefore, you should avoid hypothermia and protect yourself from drafts. It is important to understand that Miescher cheilitis is very easy to contract; If one person gets sick, another person - close or random - can also get sick. Random patients are, as a rule, those people for whom such a viral disease was a surprise - they had not previously presented any complaints, did not see papules on the skin or mucous membranes, and did not find any blisters or crusts. In some cases, patients could be sure that they just had a cold or even an acute respiratory infection, as if it was impossible to infect surrounding objects with herpes. So

Cheilitis is an inflammatory process of the lips and perioral area. A special type of cheilitis is cheilitis misheri, also known as cheilitis, in which redness and swelling spread to the skin of the cheeks and nasolabial triangle. This disease is characterized by dry, erythematous and ulcerative lesions of the skin of the lips, which leads to an unpleasant taste in the mouth, deterioration in quality of life and loss of self-confidence.

"Michel", also known in English as "Mishael Heath Heresy", was a French hairdresser and fashion designer. On November 15, 2013, he was the victim of a tragic accident.